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Greater Noida draws up plan to save Surajpur wetland from polluted discharge

Taking cognizance of the constant water pollution at the Surajpur Wetland, the Greater Noida authority directed officials to undertake measures to clean up the site and prevent further pollution, said officials.
Srilakshmi VS, additional CEO, Greater Noida, on Thursday issued a series of directives aimed at addressing the growing environmental concerns at the wetland.
The instructions came following a review meeting on September 20, held in response to significant damage to the wetland’s trees and plants, possibly from unchecked disposal of chemical and dirty waste from nearby industrial units and residential areas, said an officials from Greater Noida authority.
The meeting was attended by officials from the Greater Noida authority, Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB), and the forest department, along with environmentalist Vikrant Tongad.
Officials said on-site inspection was held recently and the entire team reviewed the sources of pollution affecting the wetland ecological balance, particularly its trees and plants.
The inspection revealed that untreated water from Sector Ecotech 3, Police Lines, and nearby industries, was being discharged into the wetland, causing significant harm to the flora.
“The Surajpur wetland is a critical ecological zone, and we cannot allow it to suffer from unchecked pollution. Immediate action is essential to protect its biodiversity, and all departments concerned must work swiftly to ensure that necessary steps are taken to prevent further damage,” said Srilakshmi VS.
The ACEO directed immediate construction of a 700m long RCC drain to divert the wastewater from Ecotech 3 Sector and Police Lines into an existing drain along DSC Road.
Work circle 3 officials of Greater Noida said an estimate has been prepared for constructing the RCC drain and officials concerned have now been instructed to obtain administrative, financial, and technical approvals for the project.
As for the discharge of chemical waste from an industrial unit located adjacent to the wetland, Srilakshmi VS has directed the establishment concerned to immediately make alternative arrangements for the disposal of wastewater into the DSC Road drain.
“These solutions are expected to be sustainable and provide lasting protection to the wetland,” said Srilakshmi VS.
“Necessary instructions have been issued to the officials to take steps on all fronts, including construction of RCC drain for Sector Ecotech 3 and Police Lines. Industrial units have been asked to ensure proper wastewater disposal, and a long-term solution for Surajpur village’s drainage, which is essential to protect the wetland ecosystem, is also under consideration,” said Srilakshmi VS.
